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Autumn graduation ceremony

Within the festive meeting of the Council of the University of Szeged on 20 September 2014 received the students of the Faculty of Medicine their diploma.

The list of the new doctors (Hungarian students) as follows:

Annus Ádám
Árva-Nagy Noémi
Balázs Erika
Barla Imola
Bartha Gábor
Bellavics Mária Zsóka
Bellavics Róbert
Benyó Veronika
Bugyi Klaudia
Dobos Judit Eszter
Farkas Dániel
Farkas-Rusu Eugenia Alexandra
Fekete Nándor
Fiam Sándor
Forgó Gábor
Földi János Zsolt
Fülep Gábor
Greksa Dávid
Herczeg Zsuzsa
Herédi Zoltán
Hernyik Beáta
Illés Dóra
Jakus Ivett
Juhász Nikolett
Kapus József
Kapus Katalin
Karskó Luca
Kinczel Tímea Erika
Kovács Renáta
Kozák Gábor
Köröndi Bernát
Krisztóf Ágnes
Kubasch Gábriel
Lázár Bence András
Lázár Péter György
Lengyel Károly
Maczkó Hajnalka
Marik Anikó Rita
Martonosi Ágnes Rita
Mayer Zoltán Dániel
Merza Márk
Mészáros András
Nádasy Zsuzsanna Lídia
Nagy Tímea
Nagy Tünde Szilvia
Pribojszki Magda
Serédi Vilmos András
Slezák András
Szalai Tünde
Szász Márk
Szebeni Áron
Szulcsán Ádám József
Szűcs Szilárd
Tóbiás Zoltán Kornél
Tóth Anna Zsófia
Tóth Zoltán
Varga Nóra Beáta
Várkonyiné Laszlovszky Mária Erzsébet

The list of the graduated foreign students:

Achilefu Chimere Hanson
Amobi Nnamdi Charles
Chawla Ankur
Czinege Borbála Júlia
Ifargan Zahavit
Jdid Mahmoud Saddik
Hyeon-June Kim
Lundgren Filip Per Olof
Mitoma Tomohiro
Nassajian Amir
Papushado Amitai
Peres Boris



Where future doctors are born


The International Student Union of Szeged (ISUS) - the student union of the foreign students of the SZTE Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School, the Faculty of Pharmacy, and the Faculty of Dentistry - organized the 11th International Cultural Evening. The event, which has become a tradition, took place on April 26 this year in the Pick Arena Ludányi Academic Hall.

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