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Gábor Petri

Scientific session on the occassion of the 100. anniversary of Gábor Petri's birthday

A scientific session takes place in the Szeged Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (7. Somogyi street, Szeged).

On 27 September 2014 from 10am scientific programme commemorates the 100. anniversary of Gábor Petri's birthday. After Prof. György Lázár's welcome speech opening the event outstanding professionals give scientific lectures.

Gábor Petri
Dr. Gábor Petri



Where future doctors are born


The International Student Union of Szeged (ISUS) - the student union of the foreign students of the SZTE Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School, the Faculty of Pharmacy, and the Faculty of Dentistry - organized the 11th International Cultural Evening. The event, which has become a tradition, took place on April 26 this year in the Pick Arena Ludányi Academic Hall.

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