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ALUMNI Weekend

Reunion of our onetime students

The University of Szeged invites you to the Alumni Weekend 2015 organized on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the English Language Medical Program. Whether you graduated a year or more decades ago, whether from the Medical, Dental or Pharmacy Program, coming back together with your classmates for a reunion has special significance. The date of tis special event will be 18-20 September 2015. Join our Alumni database right now so that you can be one of the first 100 alumni attending the event for free by registering for the event as soon as the reunion registration process starts early spring 2015!

For more information, please click here >>

Alumni video >>



Where future doctors are born


The International Student Union of Szeged (ISUS) - the student union of the foreign students of the SZTE Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School, the Faculty of Pharmacy, and the Faculty of Dentistry - organized the 11th International Cultural Evening. The event, which has become a tradition, took place on April 26 this year in the Pick Arena Ludányi Academic Hall.

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