Class of 2001

Adel Bagherpour

Aino Synnove Pedersen

Ameridis Efstathios

Antonino Guiseppe Colombo

Antonis Mougias

Apostolos I. Kampayiannis

Argyroulis Aristeidis

Beli Maria

Dellios Georgios

Ernest N. Nagy

Fragkoulis Konstantinos

Hatziioannou Ioanna

Irwin Robert Somasundram

Kanagkinis Nikolaos

Koniaris Efthymios

Lampropoulos Anastasios

Mahmood Vaezzadeh

Mariano Catalano

Nikolaidou Christina

Nikolaos S. Armenakis

Oren Shperber

Polycarpou Kyriacos

Rajeev R. Mavath

Roye Heimberg

Synetou Margarita


Dr. Endre Varga

The University of Szeged has reached a new milestone: a new precision robotic surgical device has been tested at the Department of Traumatology and Orthopaedic Surgery at the Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School, which could revolutionise the accuracy and safety of knee replacement surgery.


According to this year's national ranking of higher education institutions, the Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School is the best faculty at the University of Szeged.

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