Szegedi Tudományegyetem Szent-Györgyi Albert Orvostudományi Kar

University of Szeged Albert Szent-györgyi Medical School

Department of Health Economics

Dr. Buzás Norbert Personal profile



Professor Associate, head of Department | Department of Health Economics | University of Szeged, Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School

Senior Research Fellow | Department of Theoretical Health Sciences and Healthcare Management | University of Szeged, Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Studies



hivatali telefon: +36 70 439 9209



  • Healthcare Management and Finance (in English and in Hungarian, medical students)
  • Basics of Health Economics and Quality Development (in English and in Hungarian, nursing and physiotherapy students)
  • Basics of Management and Team Work (in English. nursing and physiotherapy students)
  • Innovation and Business Processes in the Healthcare Industry (in Hungarian, all students)
  • Healthcare Systems and Markets (in Hungarian, healthcare management students)
  • Healthcare Financing (in Hungarian, healthcare management students)
  • Research Management (in Hungarian, healthcare management students)
  • Future of Healthcare (in Hungarian, PhD students)


Research topics


  • The role of health behavior in the therapeutic efficacy of type 2 diabetes and the rehabilitation of cardiometabolic patients
  • Health literacy, technology adoption, and peer support in the management of type 1 diabetes in children
  • Readiness and difficulties of young adults with type 1 diabetes transitioning from child to adult care
  • Sustainable financing of healthcare

Research output






  • Takayuki Sakai, Kensuke Inai, Kenji Kutsuna, Bishnu Kumar Adhikary, Norbert Buzás
    Technology Transfer Performance: A Comparative Analysis of Two Universities in Japan
    International Journal of Technology Management Vol. 90, Nos. 1/2, 2022. pp. 78-101


  • Szabolcs, Prónay; Tamara, Keszey; Norbert, Buzás; Takayuki, Sakai; Kensuke, Inai
    Performance of university technology transfer offices: evidence from Europe and Japan
    International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management Vol. 71 (2022) No. 4, pp. 1343-1364





  • Sándor Huszár, Szabolcs Prónay, Norbert Buzás
    Unfolding the factors affecting female scientists' intentions in spin-off creation: a Central European case study
    In: Helen Lawton Smith; Colette Henry; Henry Etzkowitz; Alexandra Poulovassilis (szerk.) Gender, Science and Innovation: New Perspectives. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham, Egyesült Királyság (2020) pp. 261-281.




  • Norbert Buzás, Miklós Lukovics
    South-East European Perspectives
    In: Rene Von Schomberg; Jonathan Hankins (szerk.): International Handbook on Responsible Innovation: A Global Resource. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham, Egyesült Királyság
    (2019) pp. 474-487.


  • Miklós Lukovics, Benedek Nagy, Norbert Buzás
    First steps in understanding the economic principles of responsible research and innovation
    In: Rene Von Schomberg; Jonathan Hankins (szerk.): International Handbook on Responsible Innovation: A Global Resource. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham, Egyesült Királyság
    (2019) pp. 134-149.




  • Szabolcs Prónay, Norbert Buzás
    The Evolution of Marketing Influence in the Innovation Process: Toward a New Science-to Business Marketing Model in Quadruple Helix
    Journal of the Knowledge Economy 6 (2015) 494-504


  • István Márton Kiss, Norbert Buzás
    Who Tweets About Technology? Investigating the Role of Twitter in the Diffusion of Technological Information
    International Journal of Knowledge and System Science 6:(1) pp. 46-59. (2015)




Bundled funding for post-infarction rehabilitation combined with telemedicine

The low rate of rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction (post-AMI) is largely due to a lack of patient pathways, as a result of which the three-week rehabilitation care in an inpatient setting, which is based on a German model, is no longer used by a significant proportion of patients in our country. In 2023, the University of Szeged developed an innovative care model for cardiometabolic patients, which reduced the inpatient rehabilitation time from 21 to 5 programmed days, while systematically increasing the care of patients in the home environment to 12 weeks, based on a toolkit developed in the previous telemedicine projects. Under the current funding rules, only the inpatient care part of the integrated care model developed by the SZTE is eligible for funding, while the framework for the publicly funded provision of the telemedicine part of the service is currently lacking. Based on the experience gained from the ongoing EU-funded domestic pulmonary bundled financing models (TB and COPD), a pilot study on the inclusion of post-AMI rehabilitation in bundled financing has been launched with the expert team of the WHO Budapest National Office.