Szegedi Tudományegyetem Szent-Györgyi Albert Orvostudományi Kar

University of Szeged Albert Szent-györgyi Medical School

Department of Health Economics

Ujházi Tamás personal profile



Assistant lecturer | Department of Health Economics | University of Szeged, Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School




  • Leadership and quality management in healthcare
  • Consumer behavior
  • Marketing

Research topics

  • Healthcare related technology acceptance
  • Consumer acceptance of autonomous vehicles
  • Consumer neuroscience
  • Choice modelling


Research outputs



Bundled funding for post-infarction rehabilitation combined with telemedicine

The low rate of rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction (post-AMI) is largely due to a lack of patient pathways, as a result of which the three-week rehabilitation care in an inpatient setting, which is based on a German model, is no longer used by a significant proportion of patients in our country. In 2023, the University of Szeged developed an innovative care model for cardiometabolic patients, which reduced the inpatient rehabilitation time from 21 to 5 programmed days, while systematically increasing the care of patients in the home environment to 12 weeks, based on a toolkit developed in the previous telemedicine projects. Under the current funding rules, only the inpatient care part of the integrated care model developed by the SZTE is eligible for funding, while the framework for the publicly funded provision of the telemedicine part of the service is currently lacking. Based on the experience gained from the ongoing EU-funded domestic pulmonary bundled financing models (TB and COPD), a pilot study on the inclusion of post-AMI rehabilitation in bundled financing has been launched with the expert team of the WHO Budapest National Office.