
Angol program

Academic English for Medical Students I, II

Academic English for Medical Students I, II

2024. augusztus 29.
2 perc

Academic English for medical students I, II



The purpose of this elective course is to develop written and oral Academic English skills for students whose mother tongue is not English. By improving their Academic English and Medical English language skills, students can become more efficient in learning their medical subjects, comprehending scientific texts, and taking notes during lectures, or writing essays and other types of texts related to their field of study. The course will also focus on the language and structure of presentations on scientific subjects. All in all, the course aims to guide students and prepare them to write their thesis paper, or accomplish research papers for the scientific student circle (TDK), and make appropriate, but enjoyable presentations.



The course will focus on topics, such as understanding medical definitions, interpreting and constructing graphs, figures and tables, writing paragraphs and creating cohesion, using correct spelling, signposting both in written text and oral presentations, applying nominalization and hedging in scientific writing, preparing PPT presentations, and many other exciting topics


Further details

This is a 56-hour elective practice course, divided into 2 semesters, with 2 lessons per week.

Completion of the course is based on regular attendance to the lessons, active participation in the lessons, preparing homework for the lessons, submission of written assignments, as well as making a short oral presentation.

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