
Angol program

Medical Hungarian Language

Medical Hungarian Language

2024. augusztus 29.
2 perc

Medical Hungarian Language I.


- English Program I. Year


The aim of the course is to help students who have fallen behind in the first semester of their first year to catch up. Hungarian is a challenging language and its pronunciation and grammatical system are very different from those of other languages. If students fall behind in the first semester already, it will make their situation significantly worse as the material is rather comprehensive. Therefore the course provides an extra opportunity for the students to revise the basics of the language by going over the same material again, but this time from a different perspective. This approach reviews the material from a medical perspective thereby bringing the grammatical structures and vocabulary closer to students’ interest and increasing their motivation. Apart from the revision, the course will also be beneficial for students who plan to do their nursing practice in Hungary after the semester. During this course, students get to revise and practise how to talk about: greetings, numbers, questions regarding personal data, adjectives describing physical condition, body parts, possessives, common complaints, and directions inside a building (hospital).

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