English and Hungarian Terminology of Doctor–Patient Communication
This an absolutely new type of class offered by our Department: this is a merged class for foreign and Hungarian students. They come to class together and they take part in the activities together. Therefore, seven foreign and seven Hungarian students may register for this course. The aim of this course is to exploit the synergistic effects of the fact that there are foreign students and Hungarian students at our University. Foreign students are expected to interview patients in Hungarian as part of their clinical practice; for Hungarian students, English language is a must since English is the lingua franca of the scientific world. Our common ground is Doctor-Patient Communication. Half of our time will be dedicated to foreign students and they are going to polish their Hungarian, and then we'll switch: foreign students are going to help the Hungarian students in their English communication. The course material is mainly course-specific material assembled and created by our Department. An oral presentation (doctor-patient interview) will close the semester. The course ends with a five-grade practical mark.