
Angol program

Medical History Taking in Hungarian I, II

Medical History Taking in Hungarian I, II

2024. augusztus 29.
1 perc

Medical History taking in Hungarian



About the course

Medical history-taking in Hungarian is an elective credit course for 5th year medical students who have taken their Hungarian VIII final exam.

The 2-semester course covers the vocabulary and the language use doctors need in clinical fields with special emphasis on neurology, pediatrics, dermatology, ENT, and ophthalmology, i.e., the fields the students study in their 5th year medical training. Apart from the relevant terminology, the contact hours focus on speaking and listening: doctor-patient role-plays, listening comprehension tasks and authentic case presentations (the students are regularly asked to report on a medical case they have encountered in their clinical practices). Since the course is highly clinically oriented, it is strongly advised for those, too, who would like to complete their final year practices in a Hungarian clinical setting.


Course material

The study material (vocabulary lists, task sheets) has been compiled by the Department and together with the selected authentic case reports used for contextualized learning, are available via Coospace.

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