
Graduális képzés

Latin Language (Practice)

Latin Language (Practice)

2024. augusztus 29.
3 perc

Latin Language (Practice)


- compulsory subject


Description and purpose of the class:

The course is a language-based practice, by means of which students learn the basic grammatical and terminological elements of Latin language, since most of the scientific terms of health sciences (especially medical sciences) are derived from Greek and Latin terms phrases.

The aim of the subject is to provide for students the background (grammatical and terminological) which is necessary for the proper usage of the most frequently used medical terms and phrases in pharmaceutical sciences. During the semester the students learn the basic elements of scientific vocabulary, the elementary linguistic terms and the numbers. Furthermore they make translations of medical and pathological reports and of prescriptions. Finally the students will learn the most frequently used abbreviations and imperative phrases in prescriptions and the methods of writing prescriptions.


Learning ideas:

As a second language acquisition, during the learning of the material we might deal with several transformation problems. Due to that, the class need to provide some basic knowledge in case of learning if it is needed, since the not native learners of English may not acquire the knowledge, since they could not understand the information on the intermediary language. As a general language course the complexity of the necesseary language knowledge is increasing class by class. So, this “blocks” or “elements” cannot be understand without each other. So, based on that, one should follow the learning process continuously. On every exam, every already learnt material can be asked since the new tasks are based on the previous ones.


Major linguistic elements of the course

a, Latin alphabet and pronunciation; b, General grammatical terms and parts of speech; c, Dictionary forms and roots; d, Usage of declensions in case of nouns; e, Usage of declensions in case of adjectives f, Rule of agreement; g, Possessive, prepositional and adjective phrases combined h, Usage of Latin numerals (capitals, ordinals, multiplicatives); i, Usage of prepositions, suffixes and Greek elements; j, Parts of prescriptions, the genitivus materiae, the Accusative case; l, abbreviations, imperative mood verbs in prescriptions.


Major vocabulary elements of the course

a, Greek and Latin suffixes and prefixes; words with the parallel meanings, b, General terms of human body and organs with reappearing collective anatomical names (e.g. muscle, nerve etc.) c, Basic pathological terms and phrases for medical and pathological reports; d, Basic structures and abbreviations in prescriptions; e, Pharmaceutical terms and processes in prescriptions.

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