5th year Compulsory Elective Subject
2016/2017. spring semester
Education period:: February 06 - May 20, 2017
Termin: every Tuesday, 17.00-19.00 o'clock
Location: Baló József Teaching Center, Miskolczy Dezső room (No 4-), 6725 Szeged, Szikra utca 8
The course gives knowledge to the students about careing persons who experience or are likely to experience disability. Its part is to survey the person’s threat level, forming a propriate constructive disease consciousness to establish the patients’ motivation to deal with his own situation effectively. The course aims to develop an interaction between person and health system that builds upon the self management wether we are talking about to increase the patients’ knowledge, conducting physical training and diet. The course aims to complete clinical medicine with an important point of view overshadowed by the modern western medicine. It intents to secure the more people to integrate into society at the highest level and to preserve the integrational level as long as possible.
Date |
Title of the lectures |
Lecturers |
7th February, 2017 |
Principles of prevention and rehabilitation |
István Kósa MD, PhD |
head of department, Department of Medical Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine |
14th February, 2017 |
Phychosocial risk factors in chronic diseases |
Beatrix Rafael PhD |
senior lecturer, Department of Medical Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine |
21st February, 2017 |
Motivation interview and patient education in practice |
Oguz Kelemen MD, PhD |
associate professor, head of department, Department of Behavioral Sciences |
28th February 2017 |
Telerehabilitation |
István Kósa MD, PhD |
head of department, Department of Medical Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine |
7th March, 2017 |
The role of physiotherapy in rehabilitation |
Mária Barnai PhD |
college associate professor, dean of Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Studies |
14th March, 2017 |
Cardiac rehabilitation |
István Kósa MD, PhD |
head of department, Department of Medical Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine |
21st March, 2017 |
Pulmonary rehabilitation |
Attila Somfay MD, PhD |
professor, head of department, Department of Pulmonology |
28th March, 2017 |
Rehabilitation of psychiatric patients |
Éva Dudás |
chief physician, Psychiatric Clinic Department of Rehabilitation |
4th April, 2017 |
Pediatric rehabilitation |
Alíz Zimmermann MD, PhD |
senior lecturer, Pediatrics Clinic |
11th April, 2017 |
Use of medical aids in rehabilitation |
Gábor Fazekas MD, Ph.D. |
associate professor, chief physician, St. John's Hospital, Budapest |
18th April, 2017 |
Spring break |
25th April, 2017 |
Rehabilitation for patients with rheumatic diseases |
Gábor Fazekas MD, PhD |
associate professor, chief physician, St. John’s Hospital, Budapest |
2nd May, 2017 |
Rehabilitation of patients with severe brain injury |
Zoltán Dénes MD, Ph.D. |
associate professor, medical director, chief physician, National Institute for Medical Rehabilitation, Budapest |
9th May, 2017 |
Rehabilitation of neurologic patients |
Katalin Jakab MD, PhD |
chief physician, Neurology Clinic, Department of Neurorehabilitation |
16th May, 2017 |
Written exam |
A Szegedi Tudományegyetem Szent-Györgyi Albert Orvostudományi Kara a magyar felsőoktatás nagy hagyományokkal rendelkező, meghatározó intézménye.
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6725 Szeged, Tisza L. krt. 109.
Telefon: +36-62-545-016
A Szegedi Tudományegyetem olyan gazdag hagyományokkal rendelkező, a magyar felsőoktatás magas presztízsű felsőoktatási intézménye, amely hivatásának tekinti az alap- és mesterképzés, a tudományos (doktori) képzés, a felsőfokú szakképzés és a szakirányú továbbképzés szintjein megvalósuló minőségi oktatási tevékenység folytatását.
6720 Szeged, Dugonics tér 13.
Telefon: +36-62-546-975
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