2025. March 13., Thursday

TDK activities

1. Who can participate in TDK activities?

Any university student who joins and becomes involved in a research group project at a department.

2. What are the preconditions for joining scientific activities and how can credit points be gained for TDK activities?

  • Preconditions, terms and requirements may vary from department to department (special considerations could be an academic average of at least 4.00 and a working knowledge of a foreign language).
  • In the event case of a half-year research project (the nature quality of which may depend on the department and supervisors), the supervisor or the department head can recommend the announcement of a TDK course.
  • The department will announce the TDK course in the ETR system in the coming semester.
  • The course is announced as an elective one with a three-stage assessment (failed, good or excellent).
  • Successful completion of each TDK course is awarded 2 credit points. For successful completion of the course, the student must complete both the seminar and the practical course.*
  • The earliest a student may register for a TDK course is after completing four semesters successfully, i.e. from the fifth semester. If a second-year student chooses to join a research group in the spring semester, he/she is entitled to take a TDK course in the autumn semester of the third-year; if a student joins a research group in an earlier semester, he/she will still only be registered for a TDK course in the third year. The same rules apply for sixth-year students, but in view of their numerous clinical practical courses, it is uncommon for a sixth-year student to take a TDK course.

* Identification codes of the object elements in the preclinical module (third year):
AOK-TDK101 Seminar
AOK-TDK102 Practice
Identification codes of the object elements in the clinical module (fourth and fifth years):
AOK-TDK201 Seminar
AOK-TDK202 Practice

3. What are the requirements and conditions for successfully completing a TDK course?

The conditions are decided at a departmental and research group level. General considerations could include regular participation in discussions, data-processing, independent laboratory or practical work and participation in a TDK Conference.

4. Including the TDK activities in the residency training program

Medical students applying for residency training can receive additional points for their TDK activities. The total number of points for TDK activities, together with other additional points, cannot exceed 10.

The points awarded for TDK activities are as follows:

First authorship in a presentation at a local TDK Conference: 2 pts.
Co-authorship in a presentation at a local TDK Conference: 1 pt.
First authorship in a presentation at a National TDK Conference (OTDK): 3 pts.
Co-authorship in a presentation at a National TDK Conference (OTDK): 2 pts.
First authorship of a poster or oral presentation at a scientific congress: 3 pts.
Co-authorship of a poster or oral presentation at a scientific congress: 2 pts.
First authorship of a TDK research essay: 4 pts.
Co-authorship of a TDK research essay: 2 pts.


Dr. Endre Varga

The University of Szeged has reached a new milestone: a new precision robotic surgical device has been tested at the Department of Traumatology and Orthopaedic Surgery at the Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School, which could revolutionise the accuracy and safety of knee replacement surgery.


According to this year's national ranking of higher education institutions, the Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School is the best faculty at the University of Szeged.

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