2025. February 6., Thursday
Szegedi Tudományegyetem Szent-Györgyi Albert Orvostudományi Kar

University of Szeged
Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School
Foreign Students' Secretariat

Your Education. Our Mission.


Pannónia Scholarship Program: 2025/2026 academic year

Calls for application of the Pannonia Scholarship Program have been announced for long- and short-term student mobilities. Application deadline: February 24, 2025

Calls for application of the Pannonia Scholarship Program have been announced for long- and short-term student mobilities for the academic 2025/2026 academic year: http://www2.u-szeged.hu/kulugy/pannonia.html

You have to submit your application at medical faculty level to Ms. Eszter Sasi-Pokriva, International relations and administrative Erasmus coordinator at the Dean's Office by e-mail: sasi-pokriva.eszter@med.u-szeged.hu

The deadline of application for long-term student mobilities for studies for the academic year 2025/2026 is 12:00 a.m. on 24th of February, 2025.

For student traineeships and short-term mobilities, the application is continuous.

Contact person:

Eszter Sasi-Pokriva, International relations and administrative Erasmus coordinator, Dean's Office (Szőkefalvi-Nagy Béla u. 6. Erasmus Office)

E-mail: sasi-pokriva.eszter@med.u-szeged.hu

Tel.: +36 62 342-359, Mobile: +36 20 319 7119

Latest news


Calls for application of the Pannonia Scholarship Program have been announced for long- and short-term student mobilities. Application deadline: February 24, 2025

Dr. Endre Varga

The University of Szeged has reached a new milestone: a new precision robotic surgical device has been tested at the Department of Traumatology and Orthopaedic Surgery at the Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School, which could revolutionise the accuracy and safety of knee replacement surgery.


Check out our first Alumni Reunion Weekend promotional video!