2025. March 11., Tuesday
Szegedi Tudományegyetem Szent-Györgyi Albert Orvostudományi Kar

University of Szeged
Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School
Foreign Students' Secretariat

Your Education. Our Mission.

Tuition fees for students who begin their studies in the academic year 2025/2026

The tuition fee includes general health insurance valid for Hungary, however does not include the costs of textbooks, accommodation and living expenses.

Tuition fee in EUR
Program Year 1st semester fee 2nd semester fee Total
Medicine (3)(4) 1 7100+800*
7 900 15 800
7 900 7 900 15 800
6 - - 7 900 (1)
Dental Medicine (2) (including annual material fee)
1 8 000 7 600 15 600
2-5 7 600 7 600 15 200
Pharmacy (2)(4)
1 5 420 5 000 10 420
2-5 5 000 5 000 10 000
Nurse (2)
1-4 3 500 3 500 7 000
Physiotherapist (2)
1-4 3 500 3 500 7 000
Foundation Year (2) (4)
- 3100+800*
2 600 6 500
Preparatory Course for Pharmacy Studies (4)
- 3 250 3 250 6 500

The fees are subject to change in case the student's academic progress does not follow the suggested study plan.

(1) The student is entitled to spend half of the sixth year practices at the University hospitals. If the student would like to accomplish more than half of the internships at the University, the fee has to be paid on a pro rata basis.

(2) Fee of Summer Practices is included in the tuition fee (if spent in Szeged)

(3) Fee of Summer Practices (including Hungarian Language communication practice) if spent in Szeged:

4-week long Nursing Practice (after 1st year): 500 EUR

4-week long Internal Medicine Practice (after 3rd year): 1000 EUR

4-week long Surgery Practice (after 4th year): 1000 EUR


Early bird discount: students who got admitted until April 30th shall receive a 300 EUR tuition fee reduction in the first semester of their studies.

In case of Foundation Year students of the University of Szeged the 300 EUR discount shall cover the application fee to any health science programmes in the next academic year.

Sibling discount: 2 (or more) children from the same family (brothers/sisters) with active student status at the same Faculty, with 100% tuition fee liability shall receive a 300 EUR tuition fee reduction/semester. In case of passive semester or student status termination of 1 (or more) sibling(s) the discount will no longer apply.

Deadlines for payment

Degree Programmes
1st semester: as indicated in your Dream Apply payment notification
2nd semester: till the end of the course registration period

Foundation Year
1st semester: as indicated in your Dream Apply payment notification
2nd semester: till the end of the 1st semester

Please note that a request for an official invoice can be made within 7 days from the date of payment; beyond this period, we can issue a certificate as proof of payment.

Refund Policy

According to the respective Faculty Regulations.

*Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School: Payment has to be conducted in one amount. In case of place cancellation the 800 EUR deposit (part of the 1st semester tuition fee) is non-refundable until the end of the course registration period of the 1st semester.

For more informaton please contact: admission.fs@med.u-szeged.hu

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