2025. February 23., Sunday
Szegedi Tudományegyetem Szent-Györgyi Albert Orvostudományi Kar

University of Szeged
Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School
Foreign Students' Secretariat

Your Education. Our Mission.

Nursing Summer Practice

1st year medical students have to carry out a four-week nursing practice.

Students carrying out their practice at one of the following departments of the University of Szeged will receive additional training in Hungarian medical communication. The fee of the nursing and communication practice in Szeged is 500 EUR.

If you would like to do the summer practice at one of the Departments of the University of Szeged, please sign up for the practice on the CooSpace scene of Nursing practice, fill in the application form for the summer practice and upload it.

There are 2 set periods for the practice in Szeged, which are e-mailed to students and are found on CooSpace as well. Note that places are limited; you can sign up for the places on a first come first served basis.

The fee of the practice in Szeged is 500 EUR. For Stipendium Scholarship holders, the practice is free of charge.

In case you would like to perform the practice outside of Szeged: at another Hungarian hospital or abroad, the completed letter of acceptance form has to be uploaded to CooSpace.

If you wish to perform the pratice in your country (not in the teaching hospital of Szeged), you are required to find your practice places by yourself.

The deadline for submitting acceptance letters is found on the information sheet of the semester concerned.

The tasks of the compulsory summer practice are listed on page 2 of the letter of acceptance form.

The letter of acceptance must include the following information:

- your name,

- the name of the teaching hospital or clinic,

- the legible address of the institution,

- the name of the university/college the hospital is affiliated with

- the exact period of the practice,

- the full and legible name of your supervisor

- contact information

Accreditation (recognition) of the hospital is crucial because there have been instances in the United States, for example, in which students’ future employing institutions have refused to accept the completions of the practices, since the country and the institution didn’t have a contractual relationship with one another—the institution was not accredited by the country concerned—, and such students had to redo their practices.

In case the hospital requires you to prove that you are obligated to perform the practice, our office will issue you a certificate. At the end of the practice you must prove the completion of the tasks required for the practice by submitting the original evaluation sheet and also uploading it on CooSpace at the latest by the date specified on the information sheet. This form must be filled in by the hospital/clinic properly. Please note that in order for your practice to be accepted at least 39 of the specified skills has to be completed. The completion of each obligatory task must be verified individually by the official stamp/seal/hologram/sticker of the institution and the signature of the supervisor—that is, a single seal and signature will not do. Make sure, therefore, in advance that you will be able to perform the tasks in your institution chosen. Your supervisor must provide the contact details of the institution as well as a written evaluation of your performance. Please make sure that your supervisors fill in every required field on both sides of the form, since incomplete forms will not be accepted. Scanned copies and photocopies of the evaluation sheets are not accepted; the originals must be sent or submitted at the Foreign Students' Secretariat.

The application form, the letter of acceptance and the evaluation sheet can be found on CooSpace and below as well.

Letter of Acceptance
Evaluation Sheet

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