Szegedi Tudományegyetem Szent-Györgyi Albert Orvostudományi Kar

University of Szeged Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School

Department of Physiology

Scientific publication

- Antal A., Kéri S., Bódis-Wollner I., Dopamine D2 receptor blockade alters the primary and cognitive components of visual evoked potentials in the monkey, Macaca fascicularis. Neurosci Lett. 232:179-181, 1997.
- Bari F., Louis T. M., Busija D.W., Kainate-induced cerebrovascular dilation is resistant toischemia in piglets. Stroke 28:1272-1277, 1997.
- Bari F., Errico R.A., Louis T. M., Busija D.W., Influence of hypoxia/ischemia on cerebrovascular responses to oxytocin in piglets. J Vasc Res 34:312-320, 1997.
- Bari, F., Thomas L.M., Busija D.W., Calcium-activated K+ channels in cerebral arterioles in piglets are resistant to ischemia. J. Cerebral Blood Flow Metabol. 17:1152-1156, 1997.

- Benedek G., Perényi J., Kovács G., Fischer-Szatmári L., Katoh Y., Visual, somatosensory, auditory and nociceptive modality properties in the feline suprageniculate nucleus. Neuroscience 78:179-189, 1997.
- Beranek L., Obál F.Jr, Taishi P., Bodosi B., Laczi F., Krueger J.M., Changes in rat sleep after single and repeated injections of the long lasting somatostatin analog octreotide. Am J Physiol 271:R1484-R1491, 1997.
- Bredow S., Guha-Thakurta N., Taishi P., Obál F.Jr., Krueger J.M., Diurnal variations of tumor necrosis factor alpha mRNA and alpha-tubilin mRNA in rat brain. Neuroimmunomodulation 4:84-90, 1997.
- Ferdinándy P., Csont T., Csonka C., Török M., Dux M., Németh J., Horváth L.I., Dux L., Szilvássy Z., Jancsó G., Capsaicin-sensitive local sensory innervation is involved in pacing-induced preconditioning in rat hearts: role of nitric oxide and CGRP? Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol. 356:356-363, 1997.
- Horváth G., Dobos I., Liszli P., Klimscha W., Szikszay M., Benedek G., Antinociceptive effects of the hydrophilic à2-adrenoceptor agonist ST-91 in different test circumstances after intrathecal adminsitration to Wistar rats. Pharmacol. Res. 35:561-568, 1997.
- Jancsó G., Juhász A., Dux M., Sántha P., Domoki F., Axotomy prevents capsaicin-induced sensory ganglion cell degeneration. Prim.Sensory Neuron 2:159-165, 1997.
- Jancsó G., Dux M., Sántha P., Role of capsaicin-sensitive afferent nerves in initiation and maintenance of pathological pain. Behav. Brain Sci. 20:454-455, 1997.
- Kadunce, D.C., Vaughan J.W., Wallace M.T., Benedek G., Stein B.E., Mechanisms of within- and cross-modality suppression in the superior colliculus. J. Neurophysiol. 78:2834-2847, 1997.
- Knyihár-Csillik E., Tajti J., Samsam M., Sáry G., Buzás P., Vécsei L., Depletion of calcitonin gene-related peptide from the caudal trigeminal nucleus of the rat after electrical stimulation of the Gasserian ganglion. Exp.Brain Res. 118:111-114, 1997.
- Knyihár-Csillik E., Tajti J., Samsam M., Sáry G., Slezák S., Vécsei L., Effect of a serotonin agonist (sumatriptan) on the peptidergic innervation of the rat cerebral dura mater and on the expression of c-fos in the caudal trigeminal nucleus in an experimental migraine model. J.Neurosci.Res. 48:449-464, 1997.
- Obál F.Jr., Kacsoh B., Bredow S., Guha-Thakurta N., Krueger J.M., Sleep in rats rendered chronically hyperprolactinemic with anterior pituitary grafts. Brain Res 755:130-136, 1997.
- Obál F.Jr., Bodosi B., Szilágyi A., Kacsóh B., Krueger J.M. Antiserum to growth hormone decreases sleep in the rat. Neuroendocrinology 66:9-16, 1997.
- Szepes Z., Kiss J., Molnár T., Lamarque D., Jancsó G., László F., Capsaicin-sensitive mechanisms in the modulation of rat colonic vascular permeability under physiological and pathological conditions. J. Physiol. (Paris) 91:123-126, 2997.
- Taishi P., Bredow S., Guha-Thakurta N., Obál F.Jr., Krueger J.M., Diurnal variations of interleukin-1beta mRNA and beta-actin mRNA in rat brain. J Neuroimmunol 75:69-74, 1997.
- Vass, Z., Shore S.E., Nuttall A.L., Jancsó G., Brechtelsbauer P.B., Miller J.M., Trigeminal ganglion innervation of the cochlea-A retrograde transport study. Neuroscience 79:605-615, 1997.
