Szegedi Tudományegyetem Szent-Györgyi Albert Orvostudományi Kar

University of Szeged Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School

Department of Physiology

Scientific publications

- Farkas E., Annaházi A., Institóris A., Mihály A., Luiten P.G., Bari F., Diazoxide and dimethyl sulphoxide allevate experimental cerebral hypoperfusion-induced white matter injury in the rat brain. Neurosci. Lett. 373: 195-199, 2005.
Impact factor: 2,019

- Domoki F., Kis B., Nagy K., Farkas E., Busija D.W., Bari F., Diazoxide preserves hypercapnia-induced arteriolar vasodilation after global cerebral ischemia in piglets. Am. J. Physiol. 289: H368-H373, 2005.
Impact factor: 3,539

- Domoki F., Nagy K., Temesvari P., Bari F., Selective inhibitors differentially affect cyclooxygenase-dependent pial arteriolar responses in newborn pigs. Pediatr. Res. 57: 853-857, 2005.
Impact factor: 2,875

- Kálmán J., Palotás A., Kis G., Boda K., Túri P., Bari F., Domoki F., Doda I., Árgyelán M., Vincze G., Séra T., csernay L., Janka Z., Pávics L., Regional cortical blood flow changes following sodium lactate infusion in Alzheimer’disease. Eur. J. Neurosci. 21: 1671-1678, 2005.
Impact factor: 3,820

- Farkas E., Timmer N.M., Domoki F., Mihály A., Luiten P.G.M., Bari F., Post—ischemic administration of diazoxide attenuates long-term microglial activation in the rat brain after permanent carotid artery occlusion. Neurosci Lett. 387: 168-172, 2005.
Impact factor: 2,019

- Lenzser G., Kis B., Bari F., Busija D.W., Diazoxide preconditioning attenuates global cerebral ischemia-induced blood-brain barrier permeability. Brain Res. 1051: 72-80, 2005.
Impact factor: 2,389

- Busija D.W., Katakam P., Rajapakse N.C., Kis B., Grover G., Domoki F., Bari F., Effects of ATP-sensitive potassium channel activators diazoxide and BMS-191095 on membrane potential and reactive oxygen species production in isolated piglet mitochondria. Brain Res. Bull. 66: 85-90, 2005.
Impact factor: 2,429

- Simandle S.A., Kerr B.A., Lacza Z., Eckman D.M., Busija D.W., Bari F., Piglet pial arteries respond to N-methyl-D-aspartate in vivo but not in vitro. Microvasc. Res. 70: 76-83, 2005.
Impact factor: 2,359

- Ábrahám H., Tóth Z., Bari F., Domoki F., Seress L., Novel calretinin and reelin expressing neuronal population includes Cajal-Retzius-type cells in the neocortex of adult pigs. Neuroscience 136: 217-230, 2005.
Impact factor: 3,456

- Bari F., Tóth-Szüki V., Domoki F., Kalman J., Flow motion pattern differences in the forehead and forearm skin: Age-dependent alterations are not specific for Alzheimer's disease. Microvasc. Res. 70: 121-128, 2005.
Impact factor: 2,359

- Tompa T., Sáry G., Chadaide Z., Köteles K., Kovács G., Benedek G., Achromatic shape processing in the inferotemporal cortex of the macaque. Neuroreport 16: 57-61, 2005.
Impact factor: 2,351

- Nagy A., Eördegh G., Norita M., Benedek G., Visual receptive field properties of excitatory neurons in the substantia nigra. Neuroscience 130: 513-518, 2005.
Impact factor: 3,456

- Nagy A., Paróczy Z., Norita M., Benedek G., Multisensory responses and receptive field properties of neurons in the substantia nigra and in the caudate nucleus. Eur. J. Neurosci. 22: 419-424, 2005.
Impact factor: 3,820

- Kéri S., Gulyás B., Benedek G., Janka Z., Feature uncertainty: a novel test to probe prefrontal dysfunction in unaffected siblings of schizophrenia patients. Neurosci. Lett. 375: 33-36, 2005.
Impact factor: 2,019

- Kalman J., Palotas A., Bodi N., Kincses T.Z., Benedek G., Janka Z., Antal A., Lactate infusion fails to improve semantic categorization in Alzheimer's disease. Brain Res. Bull. 65: 533-539, 2005.
Impact factor: 2,429

- Eördegh G., Nagy A., Berényi A., Benedek G., Processing of spatial visual information along the pathway between the suprageniculate nucleus and the anterior ectosylvian cortex. Brain Res. Bull. 67: 281-289, 2005.
Impact factor: 2,429

- Janaky M., Fülöp Z., Pálffy A., Benedek K., Benedek G., Non-arteric ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION) in patients under 50 years of age. Acta Ophtalmol. Scand. 83: 499-503, 2005.
Impact factor: 0,974

- Kelemen O., Erdelyi R., Pataki J., Benedek G., Janka Z., Kéri S., Theory of mind and motion perception in schizophrenia. Neuropsychology 19: 494-500, 2005.
Impact factor: 2,357

- Kéri S., Kelemen O., Janka Z., Benedek G., Visual-perceptual dysfunctions are possible endophenotypes of schizophrenia: evidence from the psychophysical investigation of magnocellular and parvocellular pathways. Neuropsychology 19: 649-656, 2005.
Impact factor: 2,357

- Kéri S., Juhász A., Rimanoczy A., Szekeres G., Kelemen O., Cimmer C., Szendi J., Benedek G., Janka Z., Habit learning and the genetics of the dopamine D-3 receptor: evidence from patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls. Behav. Neurosci. 119: 687-693, 2005.
Impact factor: 2,819

- Kéri S., Kiss I., Kelemen O., Benedek G., Janka Z., Anomalous visual experiences, negative symptoms, perceptual organization and the magnocellular pathway in schizophrenia: a shared construct? Psychol. Med. 35: 1445-1455, 2005.
Impact factor: 2,943

- Kéri S., Kelemen O., Benedek G., Janka Z., Lateral interactions in the visual cortex of patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Psychol. Med. 35: 1043-1051, 2005.
Impact factor: 2,943

- Paroczy Z., Nagy A., Markus Z., Waleszczyk W.J., Wypych M, Benedek G., Spatial and temporal visual properties of single neurons in the suprageniculate nucleus of the thalamus. Neuroscience 137: 1397-1404, 2005.
Impact factor: 3,456

- Csoka I., Csanyi E., Zapantis G., Nagy E., Feher-Kiss A., Horvath G., Blazso G., Eros I., In vitro and in vivo percutaneous absorption of topical dosage forms: case studies. Int. J. Pharm. 291: 11-19, 2005.
Impact factor: 2,039

- Horvath G., Kekesi G., Dobos I., Klimscha W., Benedek G., Long-term changes in the antinociceptive potency of morphine or dexmedetomidine after a single treatment. Anesth. Analg. 101: 812-818, 2005.
Impact factor: 2,180

- Barnai M., Laki I., Gyurkovits K., Angyan L., Horvath G., Relationship between breath-hold time and physical performance in patients with cystic fibrosis. Eur. J. Appl. Physiolol. 95: 172-178, 2005.
Impact factor: 1,332

- Obal F.Jr., Garcia-Garcia F., Kacsoh B., Taishi P., Bohnet S., Horseman N.D., Krueger J.M., Rapid eye movement sleep is reduced in prolactin-deficient mice. J. Neurosci. 25: 10282-10289, 2005.
Impact factor: 7,907

- Alt J.A., Bohnet S., Taishi P., Duricka D., Obal F.Jr., Traynor T., Majde J.A., Krueger J.M., Influenza virus-induced glucocorticoid and hypothalamic and lung cytokine mRNA responses in dwarf lit/lit mice. Brain. Behav. Immun. 2005.
Impact factor: 2,937

- Tahim S.A., Santha P., Nagy I., Inflammatory mediators convert anandamide into a potent activator of the vanilloid type 1 transient receptor potential receptor in nociceptive primary sensory neurons. Neuroscience 136: 539-548, 2005.
Impact factor: 3,456

- Casagrande V.A., Sary G., Royal D., Ruiz O., On the impact of attention and motor planning on the lateral geniculate nucleus. Prog. Brain Res. 149: 11-29, 2005.
Impact factor: 2,923