- Bari F, Domoki F, Busija DW, A verebrovaszkuláris endothelium védelme: a neuroprotekció új lehetősége. 6. Magyar Mikrokeringés Kongresszus, Balatonkenese, Május 22-23, 2009. Érbetegségek 16: 55-56, 2009.
- Farkas I, Tuboly G, Benedek G, Horváth G, Antinociceptive potency of N-arachidonoyl-dopamine at spinal level. A Magyar Kísérletes és Klinikai Farmakológiai Társaság és a LXXII. MÉT Vándorgyűlése, Debrecen, Június 4-6, 2008. Acta Physiol. Hung. 96: 73-74, 2009. Impact factor: 0,750
- Mécs L, Benedek G, Horváth G, Antinociceptive interactions of topically applied endogenous ligands. A Magyar Kísérletes és Klinikai Farmakológiai Társaság és a LXXII. MÉT Vándorgyűlése, Debrecen, Június 4-6, 2008. Acta Physiol Hung. 96: 103-104, 2009. Impact factor: 0,750
- Tuboly G, Vezér T, Benedek G, Horváth G, Evaluation of a new, complex schizophrenia modell. A Magyar Kísérletes és Klinikai Farmakológiai Társaság és a LXXII. MÉT Vándorgyűlése, Debrecen, Június 4-6, 2008. Acta Physiol. Hung. 96: 140-141, 2009. Impact factor: 0,750
- Gaspar T, Domoki F, Lenti L, Institoris A, Snipes J.A, Bari F, Busija D.W, Neuroprotective effect of adenoviral catalase gene transfer in cortical neuronal cultures. Experimental Biology 2009, New Orleans, Louisiana USA, April 18-22, 2009. FASEB J. 23: 614.11, 2009. Impact factor: 6,401
- Institoris A, Lenti L, Gaspar T, Domoki F, Bari F, Busija D.W, Effects of insulin resistance on cortical blood flow responses to physiological and pathological stimuli in Zucker obese and lean rats. Experimental Biology 2009, New Orleans, Louisiana USA, April 18-22, 2009. FASEB J. 23: 613.28, 2009. Impact factor: 6,401
- Katakam P.V.G, Domoki F, Lenti L, Gaspar T, Snipes J.A, Busija D.W, Cerebrovascular actions of insulin. Experimental Biology 2009, New Orleans, Louisiana USA, April 18-22, 2009. FASEB J. 23: 627.4, 2009. Impact factor: 6,401
- Katakam P.V.G, Domoki F, Snipes J.A, Busija A.R, Busija D.W, Mitochondrial dysfunction in endothelium impairs vasodilation in Zucker obese rats with insulin resistance. Experimental Biology 2009, New Orleans, Louisiana USA, April 18-22, 2009. FASEB J. 23: 1018.12, 2009. Impact factor: 6,401
- Takács R, Vágvölgyi A, Orosz A, Várkonyi T, Bari F, Wittmann T, Lengyel C, Van-e kapcsolat az éhomi vércukorszint és a mikrovaszkuláris vazomóció között efészséges szénhidrát-anyagcseréjú egyénekben? Magyar Kardiolókusok Társasága 2009. évi Tudományos Kongresszusa, Balatonfüred, Május 6-9, 2009. Cardiol. Hung. 39: A76, 2009.
- Gurabi D, Hartmann P, Szabó A, Eros G, Horváth G, Boros M, Exogén foszfatidilkolin hatása carragenin-indukálta akut artritisben patkányon. A Magyar Sebészeti Társaság XXII. Kísérletes Sebészeti Kongresszusa, Szeged, Június 11-13, 2009. Magy. Seb. 62: 145, 2009.
- Benedek G, Physiological and morphological characteristics of the paralell visual pathways. Linical implications./ A párhuzamos látópályák élettana, anatómiája és potenciális klinikai jelentősége. A Magyar Szemorvostársaság 2009. évi Kongresszusa, 2nd Symposium of Hungarian Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (HARVO), Budapest Június 25-27, 2009. Szemészet 146 (suppl1): 8-9, 2009.
- Bari F, Lenti L, Zimmermann A, Kis D, Oláh O, Tóth G, Busija D, Domoki F, Protective effects of PACAP and VIP on ischemia.sensitive vascular reactions of the neonatal brain. XXIVth International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function, IXth International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET, Brain 2009, Chicago, IL USA, June 29-July 3, 2009. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metabol. 29 (S1): S534-S535, 2009. Impact factor: 5,457
- Domoki F, Kis B, Gaspar T, Bari F, Snipes JA, Busija DW, Rosuvastatin protects cultures cortical neurons against oxygen-glucose deprivation and glutamate excitotoxicity. XXIVth International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function, IXth International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET, Brain 2009, Chicago, IL USA, June 29-July 3, 2009. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metabol. 29 (S1): S435-S436, 2009. Impact factor: 5,457
- Busija D, Gaspar T, Lenti L, Katakam P, Snipes J, Domoki F, Bari F, NS1619 induces immediate preconditioning in neurons against glutamate ecitotoxicity via ROS generation but not BKCa channel activation. XXIVth International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function, IXth International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET, Brain 2009, Chicago, IL USA, June 29-July 3, 2009. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metabol. 29 (S1): S523-S524, 2009. Impact factor: 5,457
- Katakam P., Domoki F, Lenti L, Gaspar T, Snipes J, Busija D, Cerebrovascular insulin resistance. XXIVth International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function, IXth International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET, Brain 2009, Chicago, IL USA, June 29-July 3, 2009. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metabol. 29 (S1): S136, 2009. Impact factor: 5,457
- Institóris A, Mracsko E, Hugyecz M, Matyas A, Sule Z, Farkas E, Bari F, Changdes in nitric oxide synthase (NOS), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) protein levels in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion in rats. XXIVth International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function, IXth International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET, Brain 2009, Chicago, IL USA, June 29-July 3, 2009. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metabol. 29 (S1): S464, 2009. Impact factor: 5,457
- Institóris A, Lenti L, Gaspar T, Domoki F, Bari F, Busija DW, Characterization of cortical blood flow (COBF) responses with laser doppler flowmetry in Zucker obese and Zucker lean rats. XXIVth International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function, IXth International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET, Brain 2009, Chicago, IL USA, June 29-July 3, 2009. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metabol. 29 (S1): S142, 2009. Impact factor: 5,457
- Farkas E, Lenti L, Kemény L, Obrenocitch TP, Bari F, Evolution of cortical sprading depression is altered by aging and chronic cerebral hypoperfusion. XXIVth International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function, IXth International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET, Brain 2009, Chicago, IL USA, June 29-July 3, 2009. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metabol. 29 (S1): S534, 2009. Impact factor: 5,457
- Horvath G, Kekesi G, Tuboly G, Benedek G, Effects of an endogenous cannabinoid peptide and a lipid on mechanical ellodynia at spinal level. Neuropeptide Festival 2009, Joint Meeting of the European Neuropeptide Club and the Summer Neuropeptide Conference, Salzburg, Austria, July 20-23, 2009. Neuropeptides 43: 438, 2009. Impact factor: 2,036
- Rosta J, Jancsó G, Dux M, Activation of proteinase-activated receptor-2 (PAR-2) induces meningeal vasodilatation and modulates nociceptor function. 2009, Joint Meeting of the European Neuropeptide Club and the Summer Neuropeptide Conference, Salzburg, Austria, July 20-23, 2009. Neuropeptides 43: 438-439, 2009. Impact factor: 2,036
- Oszlacs O, Sántha P, Jancsó G, Long-lasting antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of N-oleoyldopamine, an endogenous vanilloid. 2009, Joint Meeting of the European Neuropeptide Club and the Summer Neuropeptide Conference, Salzburg, Austria, July 20-23, 2009. Neuropeptides 43: 413, 2009. Impact factor: 2,036
- Boros K, Sántha P, Dux M, Katona M, Jancsó G, Impairment of sensory neurogenic vascular responses in adriamycin treated rats. 2009, Joint Meeting of the European Neuropeptide Club and the Summer Neuropeptide Conference, Salzburg, Austria, July 20-23, 2009. Neuropeptides 43: 425-426, 2009. Impact factor: 2,036
- Jancsó G, Oszlács O, Dobos I, Dux M, Sántha P, Ganglioside modulation of capsaicin/transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 receptor (TRPV1) function and expression. 2009, Joint Meeting of the European Neuropeptide Club and the Summer Neuropeptide Conference, Salzburg, Austria, July 20-23, 2009. Neuropeptides 43: 427, 2009. Impact factor: 2,036
- Sántha P, Tassi N, Oszlács O, Horváth V, Nagy I, Jancsó G, Preferential expression of insulin receptor in visceral dorsal root ganglion neurons innervating the urinary bladder. 2009, Joint Meeting of the European Neuropeptide Club and the Summer Neuropeptide Conference, Salzburg, Austria, July 20-23, 2009. Neuropeptides 43: 428, 2009. Impact factor: 2,036
- Tuboly G, Adam G, Benedek G, Horvath G, Effects of juvenile capsaicin desensitization on sensory and visceral functions. 36th International Congress of Physiological Sciences (IUPS2009) Kyoto, Japan July 27 - August 1, 2009, J. Physiol. Sci. 59 (Suppl. 1): 383, 2009. Impact factor: 1,125
- Bari F, Domoki F, Institóris A, Lenzsér G, Busija DW, A neurovascularis egység prekondicionálása: a neuroprotekció új útjai. A Magyar Stroke Társaság IX. Konferfenciája, A Magyar Neuroszonológiai Társaság Gyakorlati Továbbképző Kurzusa, Pécs, Szeptember 4, 2009. Vasc. Neurol. 1(Suppl.1): 12-13, 2009.
- Lenti L, Zimmermann A, Domoki F, Bari F, A pituiter adenilcikláz-aktiváló polipeptid és a vazoaktív intestinalis jpeptid agyi érreaktivitást védő hatásának jellemzése ischaemia-reperfúziós károsodást követően, újszülött malacban. A Magyar Stroke Társaság IX. Konferfenciája, A Magyar Neuroszonológiai Társaság Gyakorlati Továbbképző Kurzusa, Pécs, Szeptember 4, 2009. Vasc. Neurol. 1(Suppl.1): 12-13, 2009.
- Kekesi G, Tuboly G, Benedek G, Horvath G, Potency of spinally administered endocannabinoids on mechanical allodynia. 6th Congress of the European Federation of IASP Chapthers (EFIC), Lisbon, Portugal, 9-12 September, 2009. Eur. J. Pain 13(Suppl): 558-559, 2009 Impact factor: 3,371
- Mecs L, Toth K, Wellinger K, Tuboly G, Kekesi G, Horvath G, Peripheral effects of endogenous ligands in the rat inflamed joint model. 2009 World Congress on Osteoarthritis, Montreal, Canada, September 10-13. 2009. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 17 (S1): S29, 2009. Impact factor: 3,888
- Tuboly G, Kekesi G, Adam G, Benedek G, Horvath G, The influence of juvenile capsaicin desensitization on sensory and visceral functions. 13th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Society Florence, Italy September 12-15, 2009. Eur. J. Neurol. 16: 94, 2009. Impact factor: 2,510
- Kóbor J, Braunitzer G, Rokszin A, Sztriha L, Benedek G, Contour detection ability seems to be compromised in childhood migraine. 8th Congress of the European Paediatric Neurology Society, Harrogate, United Kingdom, 30th September-3rd October, 2009. Eur. J. Paed. Neurol. 13(Suppl1):S23, 2009. Impact factor: 2,007
- Pakaski M, Domonkos A, Szűcs S, Kálmán S, Kálmán JJr, Fazekas Ö, Janka Z, Kálmán J, Amisulpride hatása a memóriafunkciókért felelős gének transzkripciórára és proteinek kifejeződésére. XII. Magyar Neuropszichofarmakológiai Kongresszus, Tihany, 2009. Neuropsychopharmacol. Hung. 11(Suppl.3): 33, 2009.
- Bari F, Farkas E, Mitochondrial ATP-sensitive potassium-vhannel: a novel terget of neuroprotection in cerebral hypoperfusion. Vascular Dementia- Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress on Vascular Dementia, Budapest, november 8-11, 2007. J. Neurol. Sci. 283 (Suppl): 246-247, 2009. Impact factor: 2,324
- Mécs L, Tuboly G, Tóth K, Benedek G, Horváth G, Izület fájdalom csökkentése lokálisan alkalmazott endomorphinnal és endocannabinoiddal. A Magyar Ortopédiai Társaság Szekcióülése, Szolnok, 2009. Magy. Traumatol Ortopéd Kézseb. Plasztikei Seb. 52 (Suppl): 13, 2009.
- Novák Z, Hracsko Z, Varga SI, Bánfi A, Székely E, Tóth Szüki V, Bari F, Paták F, Detection of oxidative stress from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in animal modal. 5th Congress of the Hungarian Society for Free Radical Reserch, Szeged, 2009. Acta Biol. Szeged 53 (Suppl 1): 62, 2009.
- Taishi P, Obal FJr, Krueger JM, Interleukin 1-beta treatment up-regulates purine type 2 receptor mRNAs in rat somatosensory cortex. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, LLC, Seattle, Washington USA, 6-11 June, 2009. Sleep 32 (Suppl): A403, 2009. Impact factor: 5,402