2025. March 11., Tuesday
Szegedi Tudományegyetem Szent-Györgyi Albert Orvostudományi Kar

University of Szeged
Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School
Foreign Students' Secretariat

Your Education. Our Mission.

Evaluation examination for transfer students

According to the regulations of the Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School "transfer is possible solely if the student obtains at least half of the credit points assigned to the 6-year medical program at the diploma issuing institution, the University of Szeged". On the basis of this rule transfer can be granted to maximum 3rd year of the medical programme.

Transfer students are required to submit their application by May 31st. As transfer students are subject to undergo a special Credit Transfer Procedure within the application period, transfer requests submitted after this date cannot be evaluated due to organizational reasons. These applications will be automatically considered for year 1.

Please note that the regular Credit Transfer Procedure for Freshmen is conducted at the beginning of the first semester of the new academic year. Therefore it is not suitable for the evaluation of upper year transfer requests, only for the assessment of exemption in certain courses.

Transfer applicants might be also required to take evaluation examinations of certain compulsory subjects. Online evaluation examinations are organized individually.

Evaluation examination fee (non-refundable): 200 EUR.

Detailed information about credit transfer, examination dates, exam registration etc. will be sent to the applicants in Dream Apply after completing the online registration.

Decisions on acceptance are within the competence of the Credit Transfer Committee and the Academic Board of the Medical School.


About the evaluation exam


The evaluation examination consists of a written and an oral part. Subjects of the evaluation examination depend on the targeted year of study.

Transfer to 2nd year

Complex examination in the following 1st year compulsory subjects

Anatomy, Histology and Embryology I,II - 40 questions

Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics I,II - 20 questions

Medical Chemistry I, II - 20 questions

Medical Physics I, II (including Medical Statistics) - 20 questions

Written exam time limit: 150 minutes

Transfer to 3rd year

Complex examination in the following 1st and 2nd year compulsory subjects

1st year compulsory subjects:

Anatomy, Histology and Embryology I,II - 40 questions

Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics I,II - 20 questions

Medical Chemistry I, II - 20 questions

Medical Physics I, II (including Medical Statistics) - 20 questions

Written exam time limit: 150 minutes

2nd year compulsory subjects:

Head, Neck and Neuroanatomy - 20 questions

(incl. Histology of the Nervous System and Sense Organs)

Physiology I, II - 20 questions

Biochemistry I, II - 20 questions

Written exam time limit: 90 minutes

In case of applying to transfer to 3rd year the complex 1st year evaluation examination (written and oral parts) has to be passed successfully in order to take the 2nd year complex examination.

Please note that only those applicants will receive an invitation to the oral evaluation examination who score at least 50 % at the written examination (in every subject separately).

Absence from the evaluation exam without a previous withdrawal is considered a used exam chance without valuable result. Please note that evaluation examinations cannot be repeated!

Written part:

  • The examination is conducted on the University’s online testing platform Coospace. The exam will be monitored via Zoom.
  • There is a time limit to the test.There is no time limit set by question and you will see only one question at a time.
  • The questions are multiple-choice questions. You will have to select one answer out of the 4-5 choices given for each question. When you have selected the answer you can go forward to the next question. It is only possible to move to the next question, moving backward to a former question is NOT possible. It is only possible to move forward to the next question if you have selected an answer. The „No answer” choice cannot be chosen. The system will ask you to click ’OK’ every time you would like to move forward with the questions.
  • Each correct answer equals 1 point. (No points will be deducted if you give a wrong answer.)
  • For completing the Chemistry test you will need a periodic table and a calculator, please prepare them before beginning the test.

Oral part:
  • The oral part of the examination – committee interview – is conducted via Zoom and will last approximately 30 minutes.
  • Following a conversation on general issues you will be asked questions in each subject in English Language.
  • The schedule of the oral exam will be announced after the written exam.
  • Please make sure to dress appropriately for the examination.

Rules for fraud prevention

  • The applicant's identity will be checked before the examination, therefore please make sure that you have your passport / ID card at hand.
  • Please keep the schedule of both the written and the oral examination. In case of late login to any platform, or any part of the exam, applicants cannot join the examination.
  • For both, written and oral parts of the examination the applicants are required to use two technical devices: the first one is the actual platform of the examination, the second one serves monitoring. Please make sure that the camera of the second device is set up in such a way that both the applicant and the screen of the first device are clearly visible.
  • The use of any further technical devices is stricly prohibited (headsets, earphones, smart watches, personal digital assistants etc.).
  • The applicant has to be alone in the room for the entire duration of the examination.

Any violation of the above procedure may result in cancellation of your scores, dismissal by the test center staff, or banning from future exams. Failing to log on the required ZOOM meeting while taking the written examination in Coospace, may result in an invalid test.

Please note that you will be asked to accept the above conditions in the Dream Apply upon examination registration.

Topic list is available in the Curriculum of the Medical School. Please check the weekly breakdowns of the subjects listed above (starting from page 49.):


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