2024. July 3., Wednesday
Szegedi Tudományegyetem Szent-Györgyi Albert Orvostudományi Kar

University of Szeged
Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School
Foreign Students' Secretariat

Your Education. Our Mission.

Final Year Pharmacy Practice ( 6 months)

Prior to the State Board Examination students have to do their practice both in a public pharmacy and in a clinical pharmacy.


The period of practice is 6 months, split into a 2 and a 4 months period.

Pharmacy Practice I. (GYTKKA521)

In the academic year 2015/2016 the two-month practice, as part of the 9th semester, has to be completed between July 13, 2015 and September 12, 2015 in a public pharmacy. The education period for 5th year pharmacy students starts on September 14, 2015

The precondition of the Pharmacy Practice 1. is having successfully completed the compulsory courses of the first 4 years according to the study plan. The course Pharmacy Practice I. (GYTKKA521) should be registered in the etr for the first semester of the 5th year.

The evaluation of the pharmacy practice:

The pharmacist has to complete an evaluation form after the practice. Students have to sign the form as well. After evaluating the work of the student with a few sentences, the pharmacist should grade the student according to the three-grade system: highly met requirements (5), met requirements (3), not met requirements (1). In case the practice is spent in more pharmacies, then each pharmacist has to complete the form.

The evaluation form has to be submitted at the Secretariat until the end of the first week of the 9th semester.

The aim of the pharmacy practice is for students to use their theoretical knowledge acquired at the lectures and practices especially in the subjects of Pharmacodynamics, Pharmaceutical Technology and Pharmacy Administration in practice. Furthermore, students should gain experience in the proper communication with patients and employees of the pharmacy.

Forms to be completed:
Acceptance Letter
Evaluation Sheet
Attendance Sheet

Pharmacy Practice II. (GYTKKA522)

The second part of the final year practice, that is, the 4-month practice is to be completed in the second semester of the 5th year.

The precondition of starting the 10th semester is that the student has the required number of credits, minus the credits for the thesis and the 4-month compulsory practice.

Within the 4-month practice one month has to be spent in a clinical pharmacy.

The practice can be spent in max. two different pharmacies per semester. The clinical pharmacy site cannot be changed.

The period of practice is 40 hours/week (5x8 hrs). During the practice students have to keep an attendance sheet. For the duration of the practice, a pharmacist must be in attendance.


The evaluation of the pharmacy practice:

The pharmacist has to complete an evaluation form after the practice. Students have to sign the form as well. After evaluating the work of the student with a few sentences, the pharmacist should grade the student according to the three-grade system: highly met requirements (5), met requirements (3), not met requirements (1). In case the practice is spent in more pharmacies, then each pharmacist has to complete the form.

The evaluation form has to be submitted latest two days before the written part of the State Board Examination in the 10th semester. If the student fails to meet the deadlines s/he cannot take part in the State Board Examination. The practical grades are written into the index book by the educational coordinator of the University.


The aim of the pharmacy practice is for students to use their theoretical knowledge acquired at the lectures and practices especially in the subjects of Pharmacodynamics, Pharmaceutical Technology and Pharmacy Administration in practice. Furthermore, students should gain experience in the proper communication with patients and employees of the pharmacy.


Forms to be completed:
Acceptance Letter
Evaluation Sheet
Attendance Sheet

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